Conditions of use & privacy policy
All content published on this web page is protected by copyright. Unauthorized use of any part of this web page and its content will be considered a violation of copyright and subject to prosecution.
The rest of this text explains the conditions under which data that is submitted in the form above is collected and used.
If you do not agree with the statements in the following text, please do not leave your personal data on this web page.
The purpose of collecting the data in the form is to make contact with users to inform them about our activities.
We may use the data submitted by users for announcements and promotions of products and activities that we carry out. Users agree that we may periodically send them information about our activities.
All data about users is guarded closely and it accessible only to persons that need the information to perform their job.
In no case will we provide or reveal this information to third parties. The exception to this are the authorized services of the executive and judicial authorities of the Republic of Croatia for investigations based on a valid court order.
We regularly give users the opportunity to choose the way in which their data is used, including the opportunity to have that data removed from lists that are used for marketing campaigns.